Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sometimes, Things Don't Work Out So Well...

I was so determined to get some beach shots again this year. 

A few days ago, my husband, kids, and I headed to the local beach in the evening - a perfect time for photos.  Or so I thought.  When we arrived, the cool breeze that felt so nice in town turned out to be a cold wind at the beach.  The sand was blowing (not good for cameras!) and the beach grass I had hoped to get close-ups of was whipping in the wind. 

We lasted about 10 minutes, then packed it up and headed to the other side.

As we had hoped, it was much calmer as the hills blocked the wind, and we were able to relax on the sand while the kids splashed in the salty water.

Unfortunately for me, that side of the beach is not nearly as picturesque as the first. 

I did manage to get a few shots, not many of which I was happy with when I reviewed them at home.  Here is one I didn't mind too much; before the summer is out I intend to get back there and shoot this fence again - maybe next time I'll be more successful!

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