I am...
...A self-taught, totally obsessed and passionate photographer.
...A mom to two beautiful children who inspire me and open my eyes to new ways of seeing the world every day.
...Wife to an amazing guy who would do anything to take care of his family.
...An elementary school teacher, specializing in literacy. I've even incorporated photography into our curriculum to make learning even more fun for the students (and me!).
...And have been a teacher of photography to adults as well.
...An avid reader - fiction, non-fiction, and basically anything about photography that I can get my hands on.
...Winner of a provincial Innovative Learning Fund in 2008 for teaching photography to children.
...Creator of the Little Tips: The Take-Along Photography Booklet.
...A sometimes writer of poetry; a dedicated writer about photography.
...A self-confessed techie - I love playing on computers!
...I am captivated by summer and everything beachy, lover of flowers and gardens, and drawn to the delicate beauty of dragonflies.
You can also find me here:
My site: http://www.photoworksbydawn.com/
My shop: http://www.photoworksbydawn.etsy.com/
My wiki: http://www.phesphotography.wikispaces.com/
My flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/photoworksbydawn/