Thursday, April 21, 2011

Looking Forward to a Quiet Day

No work tomorrow...  Everything is closed because of Good Friday. 

Sounds like a home day to me. 

After a hectic week, this will be very welcome.  This week, we have enjoyed Seuss!cal, put on by Bathurst High School; a Tuesday night swim; a fantastic Easter Basket Auction put on by our school (the basket donated by our family, "Photo Moments & Memories", brought in more than $150 for my children's school!); and a walk in the woods at Daley Point. 

An enjoyable week, but a busy one, to say the least. 

I'm ready for a quiet day.

In the morning, then, I will stay in my pyjamas until well past ten.
I'll make a couple of cups of coffee and read my book.
Then shower and slip into my yoga pants and hoodie.
My children will stay in their pj's all day; my husband will sleep the night shift away.
If I'm lucky, the dogs will have played themselves out and snooze, too.
Every now and again, I'll take a look to see if the snow is melting.
Drink more coffee, read more.
Make some more photos for my Camera Study.
Put my feet up.

If I'm lucky.

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